Donate to Open Table Mennonite Fellowship
When we are able to meet in person, we pass the gourd and collect an offering for the general fund. If you live elsewhere but want to contribute to Open Table's ministries, here are some alternate ways to do so.
You can send a check made out to Open Table Mennonite Fellowship to Treasurer, 602 Somerset Dr., Middlebury, IN, 46540. If you are contributing to the Sharing Fund, please note that on the memo line.
You can arrange with your bank to set up one-time or recurring payments through your bank's "bill pay" service. Contact a Finance Gang member (Ida Short, John Glick, George Kallimani) for the information you need.
You can give via PayPal. PayPal will receive a percentage of your donation for this convenience.
Thanks for contributing to the work of our fellowship!