This coming Sunday, January 24, we will be celebrating another step in our exploration of how to combine growth with maintaining a small inter-generational worship experience. After several months of being a "test bud" and an "anchor," we are now a 9:00 worship circle and an 11:00 worship circle, both meeting at Faith House. The 9:00 group starts their time with breakfast together, followed by worship; the 11:00 group begins with worship, followed by a simple soup and bread meal.
This Sunday the 9:00 circle will meet at their regular time, but we'll have an overlapping time for fellowship beginning at 10:45, followed by a time of blessing each other and asking for God's blessing on the network, from 11:00 - 11:30, with the 11:00 circle then continuing with their worship and meal.
We spent time at yesterday's discernment meeting brainstorming ways of maintaining our connections -- times of overlapping fellowship between the two worship times, possibly hymn sings, potlucks and/or discernment meetings on a Wednesday night every month or every six weeks. And we'll be having our retreat together at Camp Friedenswald on January 30 - 31st, with worship on Sunday at 10:00. Notice the banner photo above, from last year's retreat -- you can just glimpse some of the snowstorm that nearly had us staying there an extra day!
If you have ideas on how we remain connected as we add a new worship circle, let us know!
This Sunday the 9:00 circle will meet at their regular time, but we'll have an overlapping time for fellowship beginning at 10:45, followed by a time of blessing each other and asking for God's blessing on the network, from 11:00 - 11:30, with the 11:00 circle then continuing with their worship and meal.
We spent time at yesterday's discernment meeting brainstorming ways of maintaining our connections -- times of overlapping fellowship between the two worship times, possibly hymn sings, potlucks and/or discernment meetings on a Wednesday night every month or every six weeks. And we'll be having our retreat together at Camp Friedenswald on January 30 - 31st, with worship on Sunday at 10:00. Notice the banner photo above, from last year's retreat -- you can just glimpse some of the snowstorm that nearly had us staying there an extra day!
If you have ideas on how we remain connected as we add a new worship circle, let us know!